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VALKEIN DainsleiF Code Graigan 6.1UL

VALKEIN DainsleiF Code Graigan 6.1UL

VALKEIN DainsleiF Code Graigan 6.1UL

VALKEIN DainsleiF Code Graigan 6.1UL
  • VALKEIN DainsleiF Code Graigan 6.1UL

  • VALKEIN DainsleiF Code Graigan 6.1UL

Brand ValkeIN
Product Name VALKEIN DainsleiF Code Graigan 6.1UL
Control Number 4582671305890
Suggested Retail Price ¥48,000
BACKLASH Price ¥43,200
Reward points 864P

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DainsleiF Code Graigan 6.1UL
■Total length: 6.1ft/1.85m
■Number of joints: 2
★Compared to the Code Graigan 6'1L, which pursues almighty, the 6'1UL has a supple tip section that allows for a more delicate approach. Equipped with a supple tip with ultra-light action, the belly to butt part has sharp tension for comfortable operability and stable castability.
Code Graigan 6’1UL overturns the conventional wisdom of ultra-light action!