1. TOP
  2. ValkeIN
  3. Brand
  4. V
  5. ValkeIN
  1. TOP
  2. ValkeIN
  3. LURES
  4. Trout
  5. AreaTrout
  6. Hard Baits
  7. CrankBaits
  1. TOP
  2. ValkeIN
  3. BACKLASH original item
  4. BACKLASH original color

Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)
  • Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

  • Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

  • Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

  • Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)

Color BL02 Kinpira_Clear
BL03 Kinpira_Red_Glow
BL05 apple_candy
Size F(フローティング)
Brand ValkeIN
Product Name Valkein Haze F Backlash Custom Color (Original Color/Floating)
Control Number 4582671306958
BACKLASH Price ¥1,500
Reward points 30P


Size×Color(Size / Color)

BL02 Kinpira_Clear
BL03 Kinpira_Red_Glow
BL05 apple_candy

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Haze F Backlash custom color (original color)
■Total length: 28mm
■Weight: 2.8g
■Type: Floating
■Hook: Gyro Hook Ride No. 6
■Ring: No. 0
By setting the maximum depth to 2m, the middle range to deep range is more active Small crankbait haze that can be approached!
The killer wobbling that takes advantage of sharp buoyancy and the exquisite balance of the body silhouette, which pursues appeal and bite, covers a wide range with stable action and flight distance.
You can capture the neutral range where trout in various conditions are mixed, from high-speed to low-speed feeding, with multiple potentials.

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