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  4. Salt Weter Rods
  5. Mackerel, Rockfish&Light Salt Game Rods

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63M/S

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63M/S

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63M/S

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63M/S
  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63M/S

  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63M/S

Brand Crazy Ocean
Product Name Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63M/S
Control Number 4560445315603
Suggested Retail Price ¥16,800
BACKLASH Price ¥15,100
Reward points 302P

Crazy Ocean
Ocean Claw S63M/S
◆Full Length: 190cm
◆Closed Dimensions: 98cm
◆Self-weight: 84g
◆Number of joints: 2
◆Line MAX: PE1.0
◆Weight MAX: No. 25
★Cast and curve fall horse mackerel on the middle layer It is a model developed specifically for aiming at.
Cast a weight of size 15 to 20, sink it to the assumed tana, and set it in the first condition to catch a small bite when curve fall from there.
It matches the style of finding horse mackerel from a wide range of vertical and horizontal directions and increasing the number.
It has a tip that is unique to carbon solids, and it has a slightly firm berry for fine bites during curve falls.
If you use it with the optimum weight, it is a spinning rod that can handle technical fishing that makes full use of twitches.