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  5. Mackerel, Rockfish&Light Salt Game Rods

Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M

Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M

Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M

Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M

Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M
  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M

  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M

  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M

Brand Crazy Ocean
Product Name Crazy Ocean Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M
Control Number 4560445315627
Suggested Retail Price ¥19,800
BACKLASH Price ¥17,800
Reward points 356P
We will charge you separately for the PVC tube for the rod.:

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Crazy Ocean
Ocean Grave Sawara OG-S75M
◆Total Length: 226cm
◆Closed Dimensions: 181cm
◆Weight: 145g
◆Number of joints: 2
◆Max line: PE1.5
◆Max weight: 60g
★The 7.5ft is useful when you want a little more distance. rod length.
It is especially effective when lowering the tip of the rod when the water surface is far away from the bow to lure it to your hand, or when long casting is required in the Spanish mackerel game aimed at minnowing.