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Crazy ocean ocean cachoro

Crazy ocean ocean cachoro

Crazy ocean ocean cachoro

Crazy ocean ocean cachoro
  • Crazy ocean ocean cachoro

  • Crazy ocean ocean cachoro

Brand Crazy Ocean
Product Name Crazy ocean ocean cachoro
Control Number 4560445310417
Suggested Retail Price ¥3,600
BACKLASH Price ¥3,060
Reward points 61P

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Crazy Ocean
Ocean Cachoro
◆Total Length: 285mm
◆Color: Black
★Caught Fish Fishing gear, fish grip for safely grasping. Anyway, I wanted a fish holder that I could hold firmly and remove the hook from the fish with confidence. "Ocean Cachoro", which was born from such a feeling, has a grip design that focuses on the curve shape of the hold part and the feeling of grip, and the hold ability that can be used for all purposes from bean horse mackerel to 40 classes and 5 finger hairtails!
Equipped with a lip grip function at the tip! The lip grip is designed so that prey that cannot be handled by the holder part can be caught firmly.
*However, since reinforced plastic is used as the material, there is a limit to its strength.