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  5. Seabass Rods

Major Craft Crostage CRX-962M [Seabass Model]

Major Craft Crostage CRX-962M [Seabass Model]

Major Craft Crostage CRX-962M [Seabass Model]
  • Major Craft Crostage CRX-962M [Seabass Model]

Brand Major Craft
Product Name Major Craft Crostage CRX-962M [Seabass Model]
Control Number 4560350812082
Suggested Retail Price ¥13,500
BACKLASH Price ¥12,300
Reward points 246P

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● Length: 9ft 6in,
● Number of joints: 2
● Lure: 15-42g
● PE line: No. 0.8-2.5
● Action: regular
Large lures are effective for large targets. This model is the best match for large metal vibes and big baits, so it is a must-have for hot-blooded sea bass anglers who are seriously aiming for the ranker class and aiming for record breaking. Also, it goes well with metal jigs of around 30g, so please use it for light shore jigging.