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Major Craft Crossstage CRX-962LSJ

Major Craft Crossstage CRX-962LSJ
Brand Major Craft
Product Name Major Craft Crossstage CRX-962LSJ
Control Number 4560350812594
Suggested Retail Price ¥15,600
BACKLASH Price ¥14,300
Reward points 286P
We will charge you separately for the PVC tube for the rod.:

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Major Craft Crossstage CRX-962LSJ
It is a standard model in light shore jigging. It can be used not only on embankments, but also in various fields such as surf and rocky shores. It is a multi-purpose model that can fight medium-sized blue-runners if it has good footing.
- Length: 9FT6IN
-Number of joints: 2 pieces
- Closing size: 150cm
● Lure weight: 30-50g
● Line: (PE: 1.0-2.5)