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Valley Hill TAMOSHAFT 480

Valley Hill TAMOSHAFT 480

Valley Hill TAMOSHAFT 480

Valley Hill TAMOSHAFT 480
  • Valley Hill TAMOSHAFT 480

  • Valley Hill TAMOSHAFT 480

Color シルバー/ゴールドロゴ
Size 480cm
Brand Valleyhill
Product Name Valley Hill TAMOSHAFT 480
Control Number 4996578212487
BACKLASH Price ¥17,500
Reward points 350P

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Valley Hill TAMOSHAFT 480
◆ Length: 4.8m ◆ Number of joints: 8 ◆ Closed dimensions: 75cm ◆ Weight: 479g ★ Tamo shaft that is lightweight, has tension, and has excellent strength. It is lightweight, has strong tension, has excellent strength, and can be landed accurately even in places with high scaffolding. The rubber cork cap reduces the feeling of weight on the tip! Reinforced with metal parts so that the tamo holder can be firmly fixed. If you equip the 60 cm tamo frame with just the right size and the attached belt, you can easily land even when you are carrying it on your back. After landing or when sticking at the first grade point, it is easy to take it from the state where it is placed by leaning against it.