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YGK Wind-on Leader 8.5m 50-90

YGK Wind-on Leader 8.5m 50-90

YGK Wind-on Leader 8.5m 50-90

YGK Wind-on Leader 8.5m 50-90
  • YGK Wind-on Leader 8.5m 50-90

  • YGK Wind-on Leader 8.5m 50-90

Color 50 / 150LB
60 / 200LB
90 / 300LB
Size 8.5m
Product Name YGK Wind-on Leader 8.5m 50-90
Control Number 4988494900067
Suggested Retail Price ¥2,500
BACKLASH Price ¥2,000
Reward points 40P

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Yotsuami / YGK
Wind-on leader
◆ Length: 8.5m
★ GALIS WIND-ON LEADER It is a new generation shock reader system that can be connected easily and securely as long as you make a loop such as a double line.
Connection is done by LOOP TO LOOP, so it's easy and speedy.
Also, because the connection is compact, you don't have to worry about casting.
Moreover, it demonstrates stable connection power without any problem even in big game trolling aimed at Merlin.
Also, when used for trolling, the leader part can be wound on the reel, so the safety that was often a problem when landing a big game is outstanding.
We have a full size lineup for all kinds of game fishing, from casting sea bass games to jigging, GT, and trolling aimed at Merlin.