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YGK (Yotsuami) F-AID blow Harris Super Strong 20m No. 8 / 30LB

YGK (Yotsuami) F-AID blow Harris Super Strong 20m No. 8 / 30LB

YGK (Yotsuami) F-AID blow Harris Super Strong 20m No. 8 / 30LB
  • YGK (Yotsuami) F-AID blow Harris Super Strong 20m No. 8 / 30LB

Product Name YGK (Yotsuami) F-AID blow Harris Super Strong 20m No. 8 / 30LB
Control Number 4988494582201
Suggested Retail Price ¥800
BACKLASH Price ¥518
Reward points 10P

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Yotsuami / YGK
F-AID blow Harris Super Strong
◆ Size: 20mm
★ High strength and high Quality Fluorocarbon 100% raw yarn.
With a rich lineup from No. 0.2 to No. 20, it can be used for Harris and trunk thread in various fishing.
No. 1 standard Strong, safety-basic that secures Ave1.85kgf / 5.4g / d.
By holding down the price at 20m, which is easy to use up the high quality fluoro, you can have multiple issues, and you can develop more fun from various angles.