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OWNER C'ultiva STX-58 Stinger Triple Extra #1/0

OWNER C'ultiva STX-58 Stinger Triple Extra #1/0

OWNER C'ultiva STX-58 Stinger Triple Extra #1/0

OWNER C'ultiva STX-58 Stinger Triple Extra #1/0
  • OWNER C'ultiva STX-58 Stinger Triple Extra #1/0

  • OWNER C'ultiva STX-58 Stinger Triple Extra #1/0

Color .
Size #1/0
Product Name OWNER C'ultiva STX-58 Stinger Triple Extra #1/0
Control Number 4953873519291
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,300
BACKLASH Price ¥1,018
Reward points 20P

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OWNER C'ultiva
STX-58 Stinger Triple Extra #1/0
★Compared to conventional wire, all sizes are 10 Achieved a strength increase of 10% or more.
By increasing the strength, the taper of the hook tip is set to a long taper sharp point of 5% or more than the conventional 56.
The weight error with the conventional 56 is suppressed to a maximum of 6%, so it is compatible especially for top water users.
It is a form that corresponds to the instantaneous load peculiar to the PE line. It has an exquisite hook tip angle that realizes "swift penetration" and "prevention of cuts".