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Owner Rockfish bullet night light JH-83

Owner Rockfish bullet night light JH-83

Owner Rockfish bullet night light JH-83

Owner Rockfish bullet night light JH-83
  • Owner Rockfish bullet night light JH-83

  • Owner Rockfish bullet night light JH-83

Color .
Size 0.4-10G
Product Name Owner Rockfish bullet night light JH-83
Control Number 4953873171512
Suggested Retail Price ¥420
BACKLASH Price ¥380
Reward points 7P

size×Color(Size / Color)

  0.4-10G 1.0-10G 1.0-8G 1.5-8G 2.0-8G 3.0-6G

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Owner Rockfish bullet night light JH-83
◆ Number: 0.4-10G / 1.0-10G / 1.0-8G / 1.5-8G / 2.0-8G / 3.0-6G
★ It is an ultra-fine shaft jig head exclusively for rockfish. Of course, the stabs are good, but the eye shape makes it easy to pass through the line, the balance that realizes horizontal swimming, and the slender form that has few protrusions and is hard to take root even in seaweed beds. A warhead that can be made lighter by folding. The minimum required threaded hand-wound keeper to reduce hook damage, etc. All are exclusive functions for rockfish. It is a stabbed "rockfish bullet"