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Owner HB-01 hook band

Owner HB-01 hook band

Owner HB-01 hook band

Owner HB-01 hook band

Owner HB-01 hook band
  • Owner HB-01 hook band

  • Owner HB-01 hook band

  • Owner HB-01 hook band

Color S
Size 81144
Product Name Owner HB-01 hook band
Control Number 4953873103865
Suggested Retail Price ¥400
BACKLASH Price ¥300
Reward points 6P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)


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HB-01 hook band
◆Product number: 81144
★Dramatically reduces entanglement of hooks set on lures !
When carrying lures in a case, the cause of trouble is hook entanglement between lures.
Not only can you not rotate the lure quickly, but you often drop the lure while untangling it.
This hook band solves such problems.
Not only 2-hook lures, but also 3-hook lures are supported, and hook entanglement can be greatly reduced by simply fixing the hooks with a band.
Equipped with a special grip that is easy to set and easy to remove, so you can put it on and take it off instantly.
It's so convenient that once you start using it, you won't be able to stop.

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