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ValkeIN DainsleiF

ValkeIN DainsleiF  6.3BR-XXGL

ValkeIN DainsleiF  6.3BR-XXGL
  • ValkeIN DainsleiF  6.3BR-XXGL

Brand ValkeIN
Product Name ValkeIN DainsleiF
Control Number 4589934363963
BACKLASH Price ¥53,500
Reward points 1070P

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DUO Valkein
DainsleiF Braise Rush / D?insleif Blaze Rush 6.3BR-XXGL
◆ SPEC: 2peaces < br /> ◆ Overall length: 6.3ft
★ The second stage of Blaze Rush, which does not have any features in each section and creates operability by bending the whole, keeps operability as it is, each of bad berry tips Adopted high power model XXGL with enhanced section.
His blaze rush that can handle high-speed development is here !!