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ValkeIN DainsleiF'
ValkeIN DainsleiF

ValkeIN DainsleiF'  ValkeIN DainsleiF  6.3BR-L

ValkeIN DainsleiF'  ValkeIN DainsleiF  6.3BR-L
  • ValkeIN DainsleiF'  ValkeIN DainsleiF  6.3BR-L

Brand ValkeIN
Product Name ValkeIN DainsleiF'
ValkeIN DainsleiF
Control Number 4589934355852
Suggested Retail Price ¥53,000
BACKLASH Price ¥47,700
Reward points 954P

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DUO Valkein
DainsleiF Braise Rush / D?insleif Blaze Rush 6.3BR-L
◆ SPEC: 2peaces < br /> ◆ Overall length: 6.3ft
★ First rod D?insleif Blaze Rush produced by Eiichi Kikuchi who sticks to his own style.
The rod has a middle-taste taper design that is neither a hanging nor a ride that sticks to Yuigadokuson, ignoring fashion and cutting edge.