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ValkeIN Gyro Hook
Fluorine 15 pieces

ValkeIN Gyro Hook  Fluorine 15 pieces
Color # 3
# 6
# 7
Size 15 pieces
Brand ValkeIN
Product Name ValkeIN Gyro Hook
Fluorine 15 pieces
Control Number 4589873970529
Suggested Retail Price ¥500
BACKLASH Price ¥430
Reward points 8P

size×color(Size / Color)

  15 pieces
# 3
# 6
# 7

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DUO Valkein

DainsleiF Raise WIZARD / Dainsleif Raise Wizard

◆ Overall length: 5.10ft
◆ Specs: Guide Fuji Titanium Sic-S Guide

★ The potential required for rods that change rapidly due to the variety of lures, the evolution of lines, and the higher performance of reels.
> D?insleif is not the strongest and fastest from the beginning. It absorbs each angler's idea and setting called individuality into the baseline made by repeating rigorous tests in the field and becomes one.
The lineup has been made. Experience its potential before watching it.