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ValkeIN HYDRAM nano S

ValkeIN HYDRAM nano S

ValkeIN HYDRAM nano S

ValkeIN HYDRAM nano S
  • ValkeIN HYDRAM nano S

  • ValkeIN HYDRAM nano S

Color M097 Match Olive
M101 Vintage Yellow
C113 Paparazzi Pink
M116 Aging Brown
C123 Poison Cross 2
M124 Sunrise Pink
C125 Mentha Pottage
C126 Star Burning Shad
Size sinking
Brand ValkeIN
Product Name ValkeIN HYDRAM nano S
Control Number 4589873968519
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,900
BACKLASH Price ¥1,710
Reward points 34P

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HYDRAM nano S / High Drum Nano S

◆ Overall length: 55mm (There is some error due to the joint body)
◆ Weight: 3.1 g
◆ Type: Minnow Thinking
◆ Hook: Gyro Hook Ride # 5

★ Introducing the High Drum Nano S, which opens a hole in the sinking plug world! !!
The sinking type, which was very popular even with 4-series high drums, is now available in the high-drum nano 3-series body!
In a situation where trout is more selective, the one and only "hard live wobbling" that can appeal with wide action even though it is slow expands the range of new approaches of sinking plugs! !!