1. TOP
  2. ValkeIN
  3. Brand
  4. V
  5. ValkeIN
  1. TOP
  2. ValkeIN
  3. LURES
  4. Trout
  5. AreaTrout
  6. Spoon・Spinner
  7. Spoon

[Power shop limited color] Valkein Shannon

[Power shop limited color] Valkein Shannon

[Power shop limited color] Valkein Shannon

[Power shop limited color] Valkein Shannon
  • [Power shop limited color] Valkein Shannon

  • [Power shop limited color] Valkein Shannon

Color PSLT1
Size 0.7g
Brand ValkeIN
Product Name [Power shop limited color] Valkein Shannon
Control Number 4589873942144
BACKLASH Price ¥530
Reward points 10P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)

  0.7g 1.1g

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★Feeding element due to the small silhouette and the wave motion from the high-speed wobbling roll Shannon increases the activity of the trout and makes them run for food.
Amazing flight distance that you can't imagine from its appearance and range control that doesn't float even when it's small. The two weights allow a wide range of approaches from the surface to the bottom, from fast retrieve to dead slow retrieve.