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ValkeIN Dainslave Overblaze 6.2ML-F

ValkeIN Dainslave Overblaze 6.2ML-F

ValkeIN Dainslave Overblaze 6.2ML-F

ValkeIN Dainslave Overblaze 6.2ML-F
  • ValkeIN Dainslave Overblaze 6.2ML-F

  • ValkeIN Dainslave Overblaze 6.2ML-F

Brand ValkeIN
Product Name ValkeIN Dainslave Overblaze 6.2ML-F
Control Number 4582671306064
Suggested Retail Price ¥42,000
BACKLASH Price ¥37,800
Reward points 756P
We will charge you separately for the PVC tube for the rod.:

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Dainslave Overblaze 6.2ML-F

◆Total length: 6.2ft
◆Total length: 1.88m
◆Standard weight: 85g
◆Number of joints: 2 pieces
◆Falling dimension: 96.5cm
◆Top diameter: 1.3mm
◆Original diameter: 6.7mm
◆Materials used: 98% carbon fiber, 2% glass fiber
◆Resin used: Epoxy resin 6’2ML-F finished in advance action.
High elastic carbon provides power from belly to bat while the flexible tip realizes surprisingly automatic hooking.