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ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size Floating

ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size  Floating

ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size  Floating

ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size  Floating
  • ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size  Floating

  • ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size  Floating

Color 01
Size 60mm
Brand ValkeIN
Product Name ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size Floating
Control Number 4582671295306
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,800
BACKLASH Price ¥1,620
Reward points 32P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)


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KUGA Dimension
■Total Length: 60m
■Weight: 3.3g
■Type: Floating
■Hook: Gyro Hook #5
■Ring: #0
A new size for Kuga Dimension, where the captivating arched body induces bites from another dimension!
For the F model, up to 80 cm is set as the capture range.
By lengthening and calculating the body silhouette, the natural wide wobbling roll action that exceeds the limit of a single body so far invites trout bewitchingly.
The evolution of a different dimension guides area cranking to a new stage! !