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Office Eucalyptus B-spark

Office Eucalyptus B-spark

Office Eucalyptus B-spark

Office Eucalyptus B-spark

Office Eucalyptus B-spark
  • Office Eucalyptus B-spark

  • Office Eucalyptus B-spark

  • Office Eucalyptus B-spark

Color #01
Size 4.9g
Brand Office eucalyptus
Product Name Office Eucalyptus B-spark
Control Number 4582493545139
Suggested Retail Price ¥720
BACKLASH Price ¥648
Reward points 12P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)


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Office Eucalyptus
■Weight: 4.9g
★The difference between metal vibration results is how fast it vibrates during lift and fall.
"B Spark" was particular about the speed of the initial movement.
The 2 hooks to ensure that it bites you won't miss a bite when it hits the bottom!

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