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Go Phish K2F 142T2-GP

Go Phish K2F 142T2-GP

Go Phish K2F 142T2-GP

Go Phish K2F 142T2-GP
  • Go Phish K2F 142T2-GP

  • Go Phish K2F 142T2-GP

Color 07
Size 26.5g
Brand Go Phish
Product Name Go Phish K2F 142T2-GP
Control Number 4582362732936
BACKLASH Price ¥2,700
Reward points 54P

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K2F 142T2-GP
◆ Size: 142mm
◆ Weight: 26.5g
◆ Ring size: # 5
◆: Type: Floating
★ K-TEN The standard 142mm class minnow K2F142T2.
Beautiful form and high basic performance.
The reason why it is still favored by many anglers is that it not only improves the flight distance, but also has excellent flight comfort and winding comfort, and it does not make you feel the size.
We cover everything from sea bass / blackfin seabass to blue-backed fish regardless of the season.