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ID Transworld 61103-5
Individual development Studio Composite

ID Transworld 61103-5  Individual development Studio Composite

ID Transworld 61103-5  Individual development Studio Composite

ID Transworld 61103-5  Individual development Studio Composite
  • ID Transworld 61103-5  Individual development Studio Composite

  • ID Transworld 61103-5  Individual development Studio Composite

Brand Studio Composite
Product Name ID Transworld 61103-5
Individual development Studio Composite
Control Number 4580467329327
BACKLASH Price ¥62,000
Reward points 1240P

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Individual development studio COMPOSITE / ID Studio Composite
TRANSWORLD / Transworld 61103-5
◆ length: 6ft11inc 3power
◆ weight: max2.5oz
◆ line: mono30lb pe40lb
◆ Construction: 5pcs
★ ID-produced pack rod It is `` TRANSWORLD''
Public transportation, motorcycle , Fishing by bicycle.
The problem of soaring transportation conditions for fishing rods.
And the demand for pack rods is steadily increasing due to changes in the market such as overseas travel, which has become more familiar.
We decided that the maximum size of the pack rod we would make was 55 cm or less, and we designed it with 4 pcs within 6.6 ft and 5 pcs above that.