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Studio composite EVA knob R29XL Shimano and Daiwa common

Studio composite EVA knob R29XL Shimano and Daiwa common

Studio composite EVA knob R29XL Shimano and Daiwa common

Studio composite EVA knob R29XL Shimano and Daiwa common
  • Studio composite EVA knob R29XL Shimano and Daiwa common

  • Studio composite EVA knob R29XL Shimano and Daiwa common

Color 01 black
02 Gunmetal
03 Silver
04 Red
05  S Gold
Size Common to Shimano and Daiwa
Brand Studio Composite
Product Name Studio composite EVA knob R29XL Shimano and Daiwa common
Control Number 4580467323806
BACKLASH Price ¥3,600
Reward points 72P

size×color(Size / Color)

  Common to Shimano and Daiwa
01 black
02 Gunmetal
03 Silver
04 Red
05  S Gold

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studio composite
EVA knob R29XL Shimano / Daiwa common
◆ Compatible model: Daiwa 1000-3000 (Daiwa) S knob compatible) Shimano 1000-4000 (Shimano A knob compatible, SW4000 not possible)
Daiwa / Shimano shared. Cannot be attached to RC-SC EX.

★ Lightweight EVA knob with excellent fit.
By adopting a carbon tube for the inner pipe, it is finished with high sensitivity and high rigidity.
Also, the 29XL size, which is the largest size for selling a single knob, is recommended when you need a power fight.