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  4. Salt Weter Rods
  5. Mackerel, Rockfish&Light Salt Game Rods

DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L

DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L

DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L

DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L

DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L
  • DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L

  • DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L

  • DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L

Brand DreemUp
Product Name DREEM UP Dreem Con Three 72L
Control Number 4580448897692
Suggested Retail Price ¥44,000
BACKLASH Price ¥39,600
Reward points 792P
We will charge you separately for the PVC tube for the rod.:

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Dreem Con Three 72L
■Size: 7.2ft
■Weight : 69g
■Number of joints: 2pcs
■Lure: 0.8g - 8g
■Line: PE 0.2 - 0.6
★The butt and soft tubular rods combine with exquisite tips that are not found in solids to pick up delicate hits and expand the possibilities of light games. Aiming for rockfish and horse mackerel to flow and roll jig single.
It also has the strength to respond to attacks such as plating, scorpionfish, unexpected sea bass and black sea bream.