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zeal optics Belle F-2081

zeal optics Belle F-2081

zeal optics Belle F-2081

zeal optics Belle F-2081

zeal optics Belle F-2081
  • zeal optics Belle F-2081

  • zeal optics Belle F-2081

  • zeal optics Belle F-2081

Brand Zeque(zeal)
Product Name zeal optics Belle F-2081
Control Number 4580274175780
Suggested Retail Price ¥25,000
BACKLASH Price ¥21,250
Reward points 425P

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Polarized Sunglasses Bell F-2081
◆Lens: Ease Green
◆Frame: Matte Black/Black
★ Even in low light conditions such as early morning, dusk, cloudy weather, or rainy weather, you can obtain comfortable visibility while maintaining brightness.
In situations where the amount of light is insufficient, only the reflections on the surface of the water are cut, enabling a lean approach during high activity.
It is also effective for sites in weed areas that match the background color.