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  5. Lure Snaps

ZEAKE Takumi Snap

ZEAKE Takumi Snap

ZEAKE Takumi Snap

ZEAKE Takumi Snap

ZEAKE Takumi Snap
  • ZEAKE Takumi Snap

  • ZEAKE Takumi Snap

  • ZEAKE Takumi Snap

Color #0
Size .
Brand Zeake
Product Name ZEAKE Takumi Snap
Control Number 4580039823642
Suggested Retail Price ¥400
BACKLASH Price ¥360
Reward points 7P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)


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Takumi Snap
◆Size: #0/#1/#2/#3/#4
★Leader line and lure attachment for all lure games, from shore to offshore games.
It is a snap that allows you to change lures more easily and has a reliable strength during the fight.

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