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  2. HMKL
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  5. HMKL
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  2. HMKL
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  4. Trout
  5. AreaTrout
  6. Hard Baits
  7. Minnow

HMKL Shad 65SR F Area Ver. 1091 Color

HMKL Shad 65SR F Area Ver. 1091 Color

HMKL Shad 65SR F Area Ver. 1091 Color

HMKL Shad 65SR F Area Ver. 1091 Color
  • HMKL Shad 65SR F Area Ver. 1091 Color

  • HMKL Shad 65SR F Area Ver. 1091 Color

Color Mikkabi mikan
Size 65SR
Brand HMKL
Product Name HMKL Shad 65SR F Area Ver. 1091 Color
Control Number 4573527017159
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,680
BACKLASH Price ¥1,512
Reward points 30P

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Shad 65SR S Area Ver.
1091 Color
■Size: 6.5 cm
■Weight: 5.2g
■Hook: VANFOOK PL-51BL #4 (front and rear)
★HMKL Shad 65 is a shad designed for use in extremely tough conditions.
The biggest point is to "fly well" and "not get caught."
The magnetic center of gravity movement system, in which almost all the weight moves backwards, provides excellent flight distance, and by using a swivel on the hook hanger, you can land the hooked fish with a high probability. Masu.
In addition, its movement has a tight rolling action with an unchanged amplitude and stable straightness at all speeds from low speed to ultra-high speed pulling.