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reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket
  • reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

  • reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

  • reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

  • reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

  • reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket

Color Clear/Black
Size 32×20×21(㎝)
Brand reins
Product Name reins Hybrid horse mackerel bucket
Control Number 4571415657098
Suggested Retail Price ¥3,500
BACKLASH Price ¥3,150
Reward points 63P

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Hybrid horse mackerel bucket
■Size: 32×20×21(㎝)
Removable rod holder
Removable rope (approximately 8m with grip)
Based on the popular reins keeper bucket In addition, a new bucket that has the size and functionality that can keep horse mackerel!!
・The main body is a clear color that makes it easy to observe the fish, and it is easy to check the inside even when the luggage is stored, making it easy to put in and take out the contents.
- The rod holder is detachable, so it can be folded compactly.