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  5. Hooks

Rodio Craft Clutch Hook

Rodio Craft Clutch Hook

Rodio Craft Clutch Hook
  • Rodio Craft Clutch Hook

Color #Ten
# 9
# 7
Size 15 pieces
Brand Rodio Craft
Product Name Rodio Craft Clutch Hook
Control Number 4571385598377
Suggested Retail Price ¥650
BACKLASH Price ¥600
Reward points 12P

size×color(Size / Color)

  15 pieces 15本入
# 9
# 7

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Rodio Craft
Clutch hook

◆ Quantity: 15 pieces
< hr /> The initial hook is good even when the line tension is not applied.
Supports bottom, fall, dead slow cranking, etc. at a high level.