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Office Eucalyptus Mini Kula 1091 colors

Office Eucalyptus Mini Kula 1091 colors

Office Eucalyptus Mini Kula 1091 colors

Office Eucalyptus Mini Kula 1091 colors
  • Office Eucalyptus Mini Kula 1091 colors

  • Office Eucalyptus Mini Kula 1091 colors

Color 01 Cafe shared glow
02 G pan
03 Mikkabi mikan
04 Kirakira watermelon
Size 1.8g
Brand Office eucalyptus
Product Name Office Eucalyptus Mini Kula 1091 colors
Control Number 4570089782457
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,390
BACKLASH Price ¥1,250
Reward points 25P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)

01 Cafe shared glow
02 G pan
03 Mikkabi mikan
04 Kirakira watermelon

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Office Eucalyptus
Mini Kula 1091 colors
■Size: 25.7mm
■Weight: 1.8g
★ Mini size crank specialized for feeding!
Let the fish use their mouth even when the situation is getting bitter!
Exquisite appeal, neither too strong nor too weak.
Small grains, but flight distance that doesn't make you feel stressed.
2-hook design for easy hooking