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Rod belt set

ValkeIN  Rod belt set

ValkeIN  Rod belt set

ValkeIN  Rod belt set
  • ValkeIN  Rod belt set

  • ValkeIN  Rod belt set

Brand ValkeIN
Product Name ValkeIN
Rod belt set
Control Number 4570027019430
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,850
BACKLASH Price ¥1,665
Reward points 33P

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DUO Valkein
Rod belt set
◆ Size: Width 35mm Length 480mm
◆ Material Specifications: Neoprene, front velcro, back non-slip, magic tape
◆ Color: Black
Designed by now!
By wrapping it on the rod itself, it has a cushioning effect on the installation surface such as car seats.
Furthermore, about 4 to 8 rod cases can be fixed together. (* Depends on the model.)
The first release of a 48 cm long type rod belt with excellent usability as a set of two! !!