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  5. for Bass

Daiwa Monster Brave Z 80m 30lb

Daiwa Monster Brave Z 80m 30lb

Daiwa Monster Brave Z 80m 30lb
  • Daiwa Monster Brave Z 80m 30lb

  • Daiwa Monster Brave Z 80m 30lb

Product Name Daiwa Monster Brave Z 80m 30lb
Control Number 4550133266430
BACKLASH Price ¥2,700
Reward points 54P

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Monster Brave Z 80m 30lb
◆ Reference number: 8
◆ Winding thread amount (m): 80
★ Daiwa's highest peak Fluoro designed to pull out a monster bus from the structure.
We reviewed all the sections from the resin selection and pursued high strength anyway.
Not only the surface hardness is improved, but also the wear resistance is greatly improved by the technological innovation of strengthening the surface coating, the knot strength is also improved, and the transparency is maintained for a long time even if it is used.
A high-strength fluoro line that can withstand the tenacity from the maximum elongation state and the monster bus plunge from sudden hooking.
Parallel winding DPLS.