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Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5

Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5

Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5

Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5

Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5
  • Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5

  • Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5

  • Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5

Color .
Size 1
Brand Gamakatsu
Product Name Gamakatsu G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5
Control Number 4549018609233
Suggested Retail Price ¥400
BACKLASH Price ¥320
Reward points 6P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)

  1 2 3 4 5

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G-HARD V2 Chinu Ace No. 1-5
■Number of issues: 1-17 pieces, No. 2 - 17 pieces, No. 3 - 16 pieces, No. 4 - 15 pieces, No. 5 - 12 pieces Chinu Ace, which has amazing hook tip durability and hook strength, maintains its sharpness even when it comes into frequent contact with rocks and fish, or when fishing on the bottom where the hook tip is easily damaged.
The "short axis design" that is lightweight and easy to suck, and the "wide shape + twist" that emphasizes contact performance that dramatically reduces slipping out, make it possible to hook the hook in the back of the mouth.
The synergistic effect of the clear "straight hook tip" that penetrates deeply and the "nano smooth coat" that boasts amazing penetrating power provides excellent penetration.
In actual fishing, we achieved an amazing catch rate with few catches even in the early morning.
Please enjoy the "super aggressive form of the chinu hook" made possible only by the high-strength material "G-HARD V2".