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Gamakatsu Hayakake Akiaji

Gamakatsu Hayakake Akiaji

Gamakatsu Hayakake Akiaji

Gamakatsu Hayakake Akiaji
  • Gamakatsu Hayakake Akiaji

  • Gamakatsu Hayakake Akiaji

Color 23
Size Qty 8
Brand Gamakatsu
Product Name Gamakatsu Hayakake Akiaji
Control Number 4549018482843
Suggested Retail Price ¥800
BACKLASH Price ¥592
Reward points 11P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)

  Qty 8

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Hayakake Akiaji
◆Quantity: 8 pieces
★ salmon fishing.
The fact that there is one fish that cannot be caught unless you go to hang yourself.
Hayakake Akiaji was developed with a focus on how to deal with such difficult targets.
The straight point without a twist quickly connects to hooking without missing the slightest bite, and the penetrating performance of the "Nano Smooth Coat" firmly penetrates the hard jaws of salmon.
In addition, it is possible to respond to various fields and fishing methods without blind spots with a wide lineup.
Experience the performance of an unprecedented aggressive salmon hook that embodies "Hang and catch!"