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Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML

Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML

Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML

Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML

Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML
  • Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML

  • Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML

  • Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML

Brand EverGreen
Product Name Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML
Control Number 4533625138446
BACKLASH Price ¥84,000
Reward points 1680P

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Kaleido Serpenti Beastinger Extreme TKSS-64ML
■Total length: 1.93m
■Number of joints: 1
■ Standard weight: 97g
■ Power: ML
■ Lure range: 0.9-7g (1/32-1/4oz)
■ Line range: 3-8lb/PE0 .6-1.2
Excellent compatibility with rat-type elastomer lures with water-based PE power finesse such as stray rats! With the 33tn full T1100G, it has outstanding ease of throwing, sharp operability that makes stray rats dog walk at high speed, strong hooking power, and above all, high elastic spinning with PE1 that increases kilograms. It is a rod that can be dragged out of the cover with power that you cannot imagine.
When stray rats do not reach the surface of the water, use the same tackle to cast shrimp worms such as hairy hogs deep into the reeds or cover with no sinker, and then use the same rod work to kick just below the water surface. It is also ideal for fish that cannot reach the surface of the water.

[Compatible lures and rigs]
Jig head rig, drop shot rig, cat rig, small rubber jig, no sinker, minnow, shad, top water