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Evergreen Avant-Garde Premacy ZAGS-102AGS

Evergreen Avant-Garde Premacy ZAGS-102AGS

Evergreen Avant-Garde Premacy ZAGS-102AGS
Evergreen Avant-Garde Premacy ZAGS-102AGS
  • Evergreen Avant-Garde Premacy ZAGS-102AGS

Brand EverGreen
Product Name Evergreen Avant-Garde Premacy ZAGS-102AGS
Control Number 4533625082459
BACKLASH Price ¥105,000
Reward points 2100P

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Spremacy / ZAGS-102AGS span>

● Length: 10 & rsquo; 2 & rdquo;
● Lure Weight: 3 ~ 20g
● Line: 0.8 ~ 1.5

AGS-equipped model that is lightweight, suppresses blurring, and brings impact sensitivity. Sharp and supple 10 feet 2 inches that can smoothly cast small lures such as small vibes and jig head rigs.
It is possible to respond to vibration attacks in shallow areas using the length of the rod, masonry and tetra in urban harbors, and scaffolding with high scaffolding. The AGS guide covers dullness and reduced sensitivity, and you can concentrate on attacking comfortably, so the hooking rate of short bites and pickup bites is dramatically improved.
Masaya Onuma is a trump card that can be fully trusted by Masaya Onuma, who can bring small sea bass in the suburbs of the city to hooking without leaving them.
[Recommended fields] General tough areas, masonry and tetra belts in urban harbors, scaffolding embankments, etc. '" このソーステキストの詳細翻訳についての詳細を確認するにはソーステキストが必要です フィードバックを送信 サイドパネル