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  5. ZAPPU
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  4. Worm Hooks(Wacky)

Zappu System Hook RPZ Talisman

Zappu System Hook RPZ Talisman

Zappu System Hook RPZ Talisman

Zappu System Hook RPZ Talisman
  • Zappu System Hook RPZ Talisman

  • Zappu System Hook RPZ Talisman

Color #1
Size .
Product Name Zappu System Hook RPZ Talisman
Control Number 4528474630111
BACKLASH Price ¥600
Reward points 12P


SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)


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System Hook RPZ Talisman

■Size: #1, #1/0, #2/0, #3/0
■Quantity: 3 pieces
■Recommended weight: ~1/2oz (14g)
(When attaching weights of 1/2oz or more, depending on the load The sinker may come off easily.)

★RYUGI×ZAPPU joint development.
A square needle system exclusively for direct rigs that enables speedy weight exchange.
Direct rigs with trout hooks have been attracting the most attention in recent years, producing great fishing results regardless of the field.
With this method, the difference between fishing results is the selection of weights that suit the situation and the ability to immediately hook the hook.
RYUGI Talisman, which has been highly rated and has a track record among professionals and amateurs alike as a mass needle that can be hung, has an easy and speedy weight.
Equipped with a ZAPPU "click ring" that can be attached and detached. A high performance hook with improved performance and convenience.