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Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F

Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F

Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F

Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F

Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F
  • Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F

  • Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F

  • Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F

Color CBA0641
Size 245mm
Brand DUO
Product Name Duo rough trail mullet pen 245F
Control Number 4525918180607
Suggested Retail Price ¥4,200
BACKLASH Price ¥3,780
Reward points 75P

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Rough trail mullet pen 245F
◆Total length: 245mm
◆Weight: 138g
◆Type: Fixed center of gravity/floating
◆Hook: #3/0
◆Ring: Hook eye #6.5
★As the name suggests, it is designed to produce an action like a mullet hitting a flutter. The overwhelming size, dog walk with stronger roll, and the heavy sound of the built-in large-diameter ball weight lure sea bass from areas that other lures cannot detect.
Fine rod action produces a quick turn. It is possible to make a big skating action to the left and right with slow rod work.
Because the body is not a perfect circle, but the center part of the body is flat, it maximizes the flashing effect that makes it glare when rolling.
In addition, when doing rod work, the flat body receives water, so it turns left and right efficiently.