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VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68
  • VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

  • VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

  • VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

  • VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

  • VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68

Product Name VARIVAS Hihara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune 88mm VAAC-68
Control Number 4513498126832
BACKLASH Price ¥5,000
Reward points 100P

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Hibara MAX Boost Spacer Full-tune
◆Size: 88mm (total length approx. 103mm)
◆Product number: VAAC-68
★The "extension function" of the MAX tip can be extended further by attaching it to the MAX adapter or variable socket without removing the device according to changes in the situation or activity during actual fishing. A super great item that allows you to restore it to its original state instantly.
The spacer body uses 50T high carbon, making it approximately 40% lighter than the Hibara MAX extension adapter with guide!! In addition, the "A7075" super duralumin joint is equipped with the Hihara MAX tip of the past. just fit! Anyone can instantly get the benefits of razor sharpening and a boost (amplification) device that feels amazing in the hand.

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