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Yarie MK Hook sharp No.727

Yarie MK  Hook sharp No.727

Yarie MK  Hook sharp No.727
  • Yarie MK  Hook sharp No.727

Color #6
Size Qty 35
Brand Yarie
Product Name Yarie MK Hook sharp No.727
Control Number 4511135039521
BACKLASH Price ¥1,000
Reward points 20P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)

  Qty 35

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MK Hook Sharp No.727
◆ Quantity: 35 pieces
◆ # 6 / # 7 / # 8 / # 9
★ MK hook with long taper and excellent shape.
Using carbon 100 copper wire, we pursued the sharpness and durability of the needle tip by nanotef processing and flattening processing.
It is designed to quickly pierce the depths of the gape and hold it firmly with a vent.