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Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX
  • Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

  • Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

  • Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

  • Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

  • Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX

Color SX/right
Size .
Brand Abu Garcia
Product Name Abu Garcia Revo 5 SX
Control Number 0036282106208
Suggested Retail Price ¥23,000
BACKLASH Price ¥18,000
Reward points 360P

size×color(Size / Color)


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Abu Garcia
Revo 5 SX
■ Product name: REVO5 SX
■ Weight (g): 212
■Gear ratio: 6.7:1
■Spool diameter (mm)/Width (mm): 35/22
■Handle length (mm): 90
■Maximum line winding ( cm): 74 
■Maximum drag force (kg): 11.2
■Line capacity/0.33mm/16lb: 115
■Line capacity/0.37mm/20lb: 90
■PE3 No.: 120
■Ball/roller bearing: 9/1
■Product name: REVO5 SX-HS
■Weight (g): 212
■Gear ratio : 7.3:1 Spool diameter (mm)/Width (mm): 35/22 Handle length (mm): 90 Maximum line take-up (cm): 74/ 80
■Maximum drag force (kg): 11.2
■Line capacity/0.33mm/16lb: 115
■Line capacity/0.37mm/20lb: 90
■PE3 No.: 120
■Ball/roller bearings: 9/1
★Equipped with 9+1 bearings.
High power, high durability model with DuraMetal frame and power stack carbon matrix drag!
Drag Max 11kg!
Employs an ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the hand despite the 35mm spool.
The thumb rest is offset, making it easy to grip deeply during a fight, allowing for a powerful fight! Equipped with an IVCB6 centrifugal brake system that is compatible with the spool.