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YGK (Yotsuami) Dyneema Koi Harris Thinking No. 8

YGK (Yotsuami) Dyneema Koi Harris Thinking No. 8

YGK (Yotsuami) Dyneema Koi Harris Thinking No. 8

YGK (Yotsuami) Dyneema Koi Harris Thinking No. 8
  • YGK (Yotsuami) Dyneema Koi Harris Thinking No. 8

  • YGK (Yotsuami) Dyneema Koi Harris Thinking No. 8

Color 01 Red
02 グリーン
Size 8 / 33kg
Product Name YGK (Yotsuami) Dyneema Koi Harris Thinking No. 8
Control Number 4988494333711
BACKLASH Price ¥1,570
Reward points 31P

size×color(Size / Color)

  8 / 33kg 8号/33kg
01 Red
02 グリーン

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Yotsuami / YGK
Dyneema Koi Harris Thinking
◆ Size: No. 8 / 33kg
◆ Length: 50m
★ It is a mixed yarn of Dyneema and ester, and is characterized by a specific density of 1.08, which is heavier than water.
Harris's sinking speed is faster, so it is effective in places with current.
In addition, it has the advantage that it is difficult for threads to get entangled because it has elasticity.