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  5. YGK
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  5. X BRAID

YGK (Yotsuami) Dyney Manot 2 No. 3 / 10m

YGK (Yotsuami) Dyney Manot 2 No. 3 / 10m

YGK (Yotsuami) Dyney Manot 2 No. 3 / 10m

YGK (Yotsuami) Dyney Manot 2 No. 3 / 10m
  • YGK (Yotsuami) Dyney Manot 2 No. 3 / 10m

  • YGK (Yotsuami) Dyney Manot 2 No. 3 / 10m

Product Name YGK (Yotsuami) Dyney Manot 2 No. 3 / 10m
Control Number 4988494301017
BACKLASH Price ¥1,215
Reward points 24P

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Yotsuami / YGK
Dyneema knot?
◆ Size: No. 3 / 10m
★ Dyneema with excellent durability It is a leader line with a double structure that fuses aramid with excellent heat resistance.
(Use by pulling out the core thread.)
High strength and excellent durability.
Ideal for reinforcing the needle base and connecting lines.