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OWNER ST-26TN Stinger Triple Hook

OWNER ST-26TN Stinger Triple Hook

OWNER ST-26TN Stinger Triple Hook

OWNER ST-26TN Stinger Triple Hook
  • OWNER ST-26TN Stinger Triple Hook

  • OWNER ST-26TN Stinger Triple Hook

Color .
Size #14
Product Name OWNER ST-26TN Stinger Triple Hook
Control Number 4953873501371
Suggested Retail Price ¥650
BACKLASH Price ¥509
Reward points 10P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)

  #14 #12 #10 #8 #6 #4

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ST-26TN Stinger Triple Hook  

★The tip is straight and thin shaft.
As you can see, it is a design that emphasizes hanging.
Especially for a game style with a small plug and a variety of intense twitches.
The assumed target fish species in development is trout, but it is a hook that corresponds to all small fish species of SW including bass. .