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FPB Lure's Brave Native 1091x Peach Bison #Green Chart

FPB Lure's Brave Native 1091x Peach Bison #Green Chart

FPB Lure's Brave Native 1091x Peach Bison #Green Chart

FPB Lure's Brave Native 1091x Peach Bison #Green Chart
  • FPB Lure's Brave Native 1091x Peach Bison #Green Chart

  • FPB Lure's Brave Native 1091x Peach Bison #Green Chart

Product Name FPB Lure's Brave Native 1091x Peach Bison #Green Chart
Control Number 4573265537131
Suggested Retail Price ¥550
BACKLASH Price ¥495
Reward points 9P

FPB Lure's
Brave Native
1091x Peach Bison #Green Chart
■ Weight: 3.6g
★BRAVE is a specialized spoon for "aggressive fishing" designed with careful consideration of speed settings.
As the words ``braveness'' and ``glamour'' mean, the smooth wobbling and irregular movements that stir the water create a highly effective fish-attracting effect that attracts fish from a wide range.
Experience fishing that uses BRAVE to attack boldly and brilliantly.