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Rodiocraft RC Meister Fluoro

Rodiocraft RC Meister Fluoro

Rodiocraft RC Meister Fluoro
  • Rodiocraft RC Meister Fluoro

Color 0.3 / 1.5lb
0.4 / 2lb
0.5 / 2.5lb
Size 100 yards
Brand Rodio Craft
Product Name Rodiocraft RC Meister Fluoro
Control Number 4573151223094
Suggested Retail Price ¥2,500
BACKLASH Price ¥2,100
Reward points 42P

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Rodio Craft
RC Meister Fluoro
◆ Standard: 100 yards
◆ Color: Natural < hr /> ★ Fluorocarbon that doesn't get stiff even in cold regions!
Eliminates the biggest difficulty of fluorocarbon, "stiffness". Fluoroline exclusively for trout, which was developed with the aim of dealing with cold regions peculiar to Eraagemu.
Therefore, it keeps "suppleness" even in the severe winter area. On the other hand, the weight of the specific weight, which can be said to be the individuality of Fluoro, is alive and well.
Ideal when you want to attack while keeping the range without floating the lure in the midwinter.
Because it is an easy-to-use fluoro with no habit, it can be set as a baseline in area games.
Recommended for a wide range of people from experts to beginners.