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Crazy Ocean Ocean Whip OWIM-B65A

Crazy Ocean Ocean Whip OWIM-B65A

Crazy Ocean Ocean Whip OWIM-B65A

Crazy Ocean Ocean Whip OWIM-B65A
  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Whip OWIM-B65A

  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Whip OWIM-B65A

Brand Crazy Ocean
Product Name Crazy Ocean Ocean Whip OWIM-B65A
Control Number 4560445315559
Suggested Retail Price ¥16,800
BACKLASH Price ¥15,100
Reward points 302P
We will charge you separately for the PVC tube for the rod.:

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Crazy Ocean
Ocean Whip OWIM-B65A
◆Full Length: 195cm
◆Closed Dimensions: 101cm
◆Self-weight: 92g
◆Number of joints: 2
◆Line MAX: PE0.8
◆Weight MAX: No. 30
★Ocean Whip Ikametal developed as an entry-level model for Ikametal. A model of general hardness in the series.
The basic tone is based on the Ocean Whip Metal game (OWMT-B67M), and the length is adjusted to the popular 6’5” changed and redesigned.
By shortening the solid part, it is easier to move the device than the previous work, making it easier to invite and wake up.
It is the most versatile in the series, and when using No. 20 metal, it is easy to move the gimmick.