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Daiwa Saltiga SJ 61B-4・W

Daiwa Saltiga SJ 61B-4・W

Daiwa Saltiga SJ 61B-4・W

Daiwa Saltiga SJ 61B-4・W
  • Daiwa Saltiga SJ 61B-4・W

  • Daiwa Saltiga SJ 61B-4・W

Product Name Daiwa Saltiga SJ 61B-4・W
Control Number 4550133256325
Suggested Retail Price ¥61,000
BACKLASH Price ¥54,900
Reward points 1098P

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Saltiga SJ 61B-4・W
■Total length: 1.85m
■Number of joints: 1
■Falling dimension: 185cm
■Standard weight: 112g
■Tip diameter/base diameter: 1.9/9.0mm
■Lure weight: 200-350g
■Compatible line PE: MAX3.0
■Carbon content: 99%
★ The power-type standard model 61B-4 is a power-type standard slow jigging rod that is compatible with slow jigging using jigs of around 200 to 350g.
Created with the theme of good athleticism in mind, it has the repulsion and power that allows you to move the jig as you wish, while also being designed to reduce the burden on the angler by allowing the entire rod to do the work. There is.
#4 is good at middle to deep areas, and the rod power that allows the jig to take action is good at not only slow actions but also power jerks and high-speed jerks.
It is also excellently compatible with large fish, making it possible to fight without losing strength by making use of the repulsive force of the rod.