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[3 colors] Lucky Craft x Disprout Deep Crappie
Treble body single hook specification

[3 colors] Lucky Craft x Disprout Deep Crappie Treble body single hook specification

[3 colors] Lucky Craft x Disprout Deep Crappie Treble body single hook specification

[3 colors] Lucky Craft x Disprout Deep Crappie Treble body single hook specification
  • [3 colors] Lucky Craft x Disprout Deep Crappie Treble body single hook specification

  • [3 colors] Lucky Craft x Disprout Deep Crappie Treble body single hook specification

Color 01 Berry blue chocolate
02 PP spinach
03 Griche Gerard
Size 34mm
Product Name [3 colors] Lucky Craft x Disprout Deep Crappie
Treble body single hook specification
Control Number 4514447296804
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,450
BACKLASH Price ¥1,305
Reward points 26P

size×color(Size / Color)

01 Berry blue chocolate
02 PP spinach
03 Griche Gerard

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Lucky Craft × Disprout
Deep crappie treble body single hook specification
◆Size: 34mm
◆Weight: 2.9g
★Area fishing, which has become very popular in the Kanto region in recent years, has been devised to accurately stimulate and attack the lateral line of fish eaters from all angles.
It is also very attractive that you can use the same concept to capture the range from shallow, medium, deep, and bottom, and to change the size from normal, flat, magnum, and micro to suit the predatory nature. .
Enjoy the surface dead slow winding of deep crappie, which has become very popular in recent years, and the action unique to SFT (single hook tail specification).